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Plugin basics

Grid.js is a modular JavaScript framework which allows you to add custom plugins to it or remove the existing ones. In this article, we talk about what is a Grid.js plugin and how to develop one.


Grid.js uses Preact under the hood to render the table and other components like search, pagination, etc. A Grid.js plugin is a class or a function that render a Virtual Node. This interface is very similar to a React component.

Once you have a component that can render an element, then you can add it to the list of Grid.js plugin and Grid.js will take care of rendering and calling your plugin.

A Plugin has following properties:

interface Plugin {
id: string;
position: PluginPosition;
component: VNode<any>;
order?: number;

Where id is a unique string, position defines where that plugin should be rendered and there is an optional order property to change the ordering of plugins in a specific plugin position (e.g. header).

Plugin Position

Grid.js can render a plugin in different positions. Simply import PluginPosition enum from gridjs package and use it when you are calling the plugin.add(...) function:

import { PluginPosition } from "gridjs";

If you need to render your plugin in a position that doesn't already exist, please open a GitHub issue and we will add a new PluginPosition!

Adding a Plugin

Adding a plugin to a Grid.js instance is as easy as calling gridjs_instance.plugin.add(...), for instance:

id: 'myplugin',
component: MyPlugin,
position: PluginPosition.Header,

Note that position and id are mandatory fields and component is the actual plugin class or function that we want to render. You can render the same plugin multiple times by calling the plugin.add() function and passing an unqiue ID.

Adding a Plugin using React Wrapper

Just use plugins property to add all plugin that you want.

id: 'myplugin',
component: MyPlugin,
position: PluginPosition.Header,
order: 1


Ordering of plugins

You can pass an optional order property to plugin.add() to define the ordering of your components:

id: 'myfirstplugin',
component: MyPlugin,
position: PluginPosition.Header,
order: 1,

id: 'mysecondplugin',
component: MyPlugin,
position: PluginPosition.Header,
order: 2,

In above example, myfirstplugin renders first and then mysecondplugin will be rendered.

Now, let's take a look at writing a simple plugin.